Kathryn Alphin
Kathryn Alphin
Associate Project Manager
A white logo of a physician over a gray background.
Jerry Barnes
Senior Programmer/Analyst
Audrey Bell-Farrow Audrey Bell-Farrow
Community Research Coordinator
Felecia Bennett-Giles
Felecia Bennett-Giles
Program Manager III
Sarah Bohlman 392x510
Sarah Bohlman
Clinical Research Operations Manager
Vivian Blount
Vivian Blount
Project Manager I
Penny Brown
Penny Brown
Clinical Studies Coordinator I
Deb Burcombe
Deb Burcombe
Program Director, Outreach
 Deborah Dahl - ADRC Deborah Dahl
Research Nurse Manager 
Brian Davis
Brian Davis
Associate Project Manager
Karlyn Donohoe
Karlyn Donohoe
Project Manager II
Kristen Duncan
Kristen Duncan
Project Manager II
 Eric Fischer - ADRC Eric Fischer
Program Manager III
 Karen Gagnon - ADRC Karen Gagnon
Project Manager III
 Sarah Gaussoin - Alzheimer's Disease Research Center Sarah Gaussoin
Senior Biostatistician
Mina Ghadimi Nouran
Mina Ghadimi Nouran, RD
Senior Research Associate
Lauren Greene 392x510
Lauren Greene
Alzheimer's Disease Clinical Core Manager
Kiara Greene
Kiara Greene
Clinical Studies Coordinator I
A white logo of a physician over a gray background.
Amanda (Watson) Hall
Project Manager I
Susan Henkle Susan Henkle
Clinical Studies RN IV
Bevan Hoover 392x510
Bevan Hoover
Project Manager I
 John Hepler - Alzheimer's Disease Research Center John Hepler
Senior Analyst/Programmer
A white logo of a physician over a gray background.
Amy Hughes
Regulatory Affairs Specialist
A white logo of a physician over a gray background.
Julie Johnston
Research Lab Technician III
Emily Kolonia Emily Kolonia
Project Manager I
Lauren Latham 392x510
Lauren Latham
Project Manager II
A white logo of a physician over a gray background.
Kara Lawrence
Data Coordinator II
Hunter Ledford, MS Hunter Ledford, MS
Project Manager I
 Sharon Letchworth - ADRC Sharon Letchworth, PhD
Program Manager
A white logo of a physician over a gray background.
Lingyi Lu
Biostatistician IV
 Carla Martin - ADRC Carla Martin
Project Manager I
Delilah McDonald
Delilah McDonald
Clinical Stidues Coordinator I
Sherrie Morales
Sherrie Morales
Project Manager I
Stephanie Okonmah-Obazee
Stephanie Okonmah-Obazee
Project Manager II
A white logo of a physician over a gray background.
Maryanne Post
Research Lab Technician IV
Amelia Rhodes
Amelia Rhodes
Clinical Studies Coordinator I
Vanessa Robichaud
Vanessa Robichaud
Clinical Studies Coordinator I
 Samantha Rogers - Alzheimer's Disease Research Center Samantha D. Rogers, PA-C, MMS
Physician Assistant
Tiffany Rose
Tiffany Rose
Nurse Practitioner
A white logo of a physician over a gray background.
Jennifer Rowell
Clinical Research Financial Analyst
Melissa Rundle
Melissa Rundle
Research Associate
A white logo of a physician over a gray background.
Kenneth Sheldon
Programmer/Analyst II
Rhonda Skiles
Rhonda Skiles
Nurse Practitioner
Deb Thompson Deb W Thompson
Clinical Research Admin Assistant
A white logo of a physician over a gray background.
Eboni Walker
Associate Project Manager
Mikell White
Mikell White
Project Manager I
A white logo of a physician over a gray background.
Autumn Whitt
Research Lab Technician III
Celeste Wilkins
Celeste Wilkins
Community Research Coordinator
A white logo of a physician over a gray background.
Marilyn Williams
Programmer/Analyst II