The Clinical Scholars in Informatics (CSI) pathway is a two-year program designed for residents to further develop clinical skills in informatics and health information technologies with the support and guidance of the Informatics and Analytics mentorship team.

Pathway Curriculum

These skills can open up opportunities for:

  • Research
  • Improving healthcare quality and safety
  • Making Electronic Health Record workflows more efficient

Through a competitive application process, two PGY1 residents are selected for the pathway to begin their PGY2 and PGY3 years.

A group of men and women of mixed ages and ethnicities sits around a restaurant table

In their training, Clinical Scholars in Informatics residents will:

  • Obtain EPIC Physician Builder certification with privileges to modify the Wake Forest Electronic Health Record in collaboration with Wake Forest Information Technology Services (ITS). This includes travel to EPIC headquarters to complete training as well as building a marketable skillset that can be valuable for future fellowship and faculty positions
  • Receive commendation and a certificate of completion during the yearly Internal Medicine Awards Day
  • Have an opportunity to shape a future career in informatics, complementing a career in internal medicine specialties or subspecialties
  • Receive a $2,500 stipend to be used for data extraction, statistical analysis, travel for presentations/conferences or informatics-related educational materials. This stipend is in addition to current residency travel funding
  • Be granted two elective informatics blocks in the PGY2 year with additional elective time (one to two months) that can be used for informatics in the PGY3 year
  • Participate in informatics journal club
  • Be granted a loaner laptop to be used for an informatics-related project

Clinical Scholars in Informatics residents are expected to:

  • Design and implement an informatics-related project (can be in general medicine or a subspecialty area) by the end of their PGY2 year
  • Evaluate the impact of the project within the health system and submit to both the Wake Forest Quality Improvement Showcase and Internal Medicine Research Day in their PGY3 year
  • Draft and submit a completed manuscript of the project and evaluation of impact in a relevant journal

Clinical Scholars in Informatics Curriculum schedule

Internal Medicine Residency
▲ Learn Clinical Medicine
⬤ CSI Scholars selected by May.

CSI Curriculum

  1. EPIC Course and Project Certification. EHR environment access. Finalize study design.
  2. IRB Protocol. Workflow Analysis. Design Intervention. Obtain Baseline Data
  3. Implement Intervention
  4. Evaluate Intervention Effects, PDSA Cycles. Dissemination (abstracts, posters, papers, etc.).
  5. Ensure Support and Maintenance Infrastructure in place.


Residents on the CSI Pathway will continue with their upper-level track rotations as previously assigned. As stated, residents are granted two elective informatics blocks in the PGY2 year.

2023 - 2026 Clinical Scholars in Informatics (CSI) Residents

Andy Anderson, MD; James Miller, MD; Danny Stamos, MD; and John Hunting, MD.

(left to right): Andy Anderson, MD; James Miller, MD; Danny Stamos, MD; and John Hunting, MD

Andy Anderson, MD
Mentor Team:Jessica Palakshappa, MD, MS (Pulmonology); Bradley Rowland, MD (Hospitalist); Richa Bundy (Biostatistician); Adam Moses, MHA (Informatics); Lauren Witek, MStat (Biostatistician); Corey Obermiller, MStat (Biostatistician); Ajay Dharod, MD (Informatics)
Project Title: "Validating and Implementing Cognitive Computing to Predict the Likelihood of ICU Readmission and Mortality"

John Hunting, MD
Mentor Team: David Miller, MD, MS (Internal Medicine); Bradley Rowland, MD (Hospitalist); Richa Bundy (Biostatistician); Adam Moses, MHA (Informatics); Lauren Witek, MStat (Biostatistician); Corey Obermiller, MStat (Biostatistician); Ajay Dharod, MD (Informatics)
Project Title: "Colo-rectal cancer screening failure: a data visualization tool for systematic failures in screening process"

James Miller, MD
Mentor Team: Sean Rudnick, MD (Hepatology); Bradley Rowland, MD (Hospitalist); Richa Bundy (Biostatistician); Adam Moses, MHA (Informatics); Lauren Witek, MStat (Biostatistician); Corey Obermiller, MStat (Biostatistician); Ajay Dharod, MD (Informatics)
Project Title: "Implementing Screening Advisories for Identification of Patients At Risk for Advanced Liver Disease in an Expansive Primary Care Network"

Daniel Stamos, MD
Mentor Team: Heidi Klepin, MD (Hematology and Oncology); Bradley Rowland, MD (Hospitalist); Richa Bundy, MPH (Biostatistician); Adam Moses, MHA, PMP (Informatics); Lauren Witek, MStat (Biostatistician); Corey Obermiller, MStat (Biostatistician); Ajay Dharod, MD (Informatics)
Project Title: "Implementation of the Practical Geriatric Assessment into the Electronic Health Record to Increase Provider Usage and Address Geriatric Impairments"

CSI-Related, Peer-Reviewed Presentations, Posters, Manuscripts and Other Funding