Nathan Bates, MMS, PA-C, was newly elected as treasurer of The Appalachian Association of Physician Assistants (AppAPA).

L. Gail Curtis, MPAS, PA-C, was elected as a delegate to the AAPA House of Delegates from the North Carolina Academy of PAs. This is a two-year term, and she will begin her service in the HOD in Nashville in 2020.

Alisha T. DeTroye, MMS, PA-C, presented “PA: Finding Your Path to Leadership in PA and Beyond” to the Pennsylvania Society of PAs Leadership Academy in January. DeTroye is president of the North Carolina Academy of PAs and was also elected as a delegate to the AAPA House of Delegates.

Sarah Garvick, MS, MPAS, PA-C, and Suzanne Reich, MPAS, PA-C, published “Meniscal Tears” in the January 2020 issue of JAAPA.
Garvick, who was just re-elected as secretary of AppAPA, also published “Evaluating Low Back Pain in Adolescents” as a CME article in the January 2020 issue of JAAPA. Tanya Gregory, PhD, was a co-author.
Garvick was awarded Wake Forest School of Medicine’s Brooks Scholarship in Academic Medicine, intended to recognize early-career faculty members who demonstrate exceptional promise as educational scholars. She is studying the impact of a mobile phone app to improve cardiac auscultation skills in PA students.
Chris Gillette, PhD, published “Predictors of Performance on the North Carolina Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination” in Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning and “Community Pharmacists as Partners in Reducing Suicide Risk” in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. Gillette also recently became a visiting professor at the School of Medicine at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland, to present a lecture and co-lead a workshop on naloxone prescribing by general practitioners.
Gillette and Robert Wooten, MS, PA-C, are co-principal investigators on a recently awarded Don Pedersen research grant from the Physician Assistant Education Association. They will study professional identity formation in underrepresented minority PAs and PA students. Sonia Crandall, PhD, and Erich Grant, MMS, PA-C, are co-investigators.
Grant participated in roundtable discussion, “Medical Education Certificate Program for Health Professions Students,” at the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Conference on Medical Student Education in Portland, Oregon, in February.
Grant also authored “Safety in Numbers: Successful Student-Approved Case-Based Interprofessional Safety Workshop Utilizing Simulated Real-Life Safety Cases” in MedEdPORTAL in January. Brian Peacock, MMS, PA-C, was a co-author.
Brian Robinson, MS, MPAS, PA-C, was re-elected as president of AppAPA for 2020.

Catherine Shull, MPAS, PA-C, published “A Current Understanding of Multiple Sclerosis” in the February 2020 issue of JAAPA. Students from the Class of 2019 were her co-authors.
Shull also, with Dr. C. Randall Clinch, presented a faculty development workshop, “Strengthening Your Teaching Toolbox,” to the clinicians at the Salisbury VA Medical Center.