Department of Anesthesiology Research

Anesthesiology research efforts focus on a variety of areas including the aging heart, anesthetic techniques, difficult airways, pain management, pain mechanisms, perioperative care, and sepsis.

Our faculty is very productive in National Institute of Health (NIH) and industry-funded efforts.

Patient recruitment also continues for the North American Malignant Hyperthermia (MH) Registry and genomic analysis for susceptibility to MH.

Clinical Research Team

Lynne Harris
Lynne Harris, RN, BSN

Research Nurse Manager

Amelia Eaton
Amelia Eaton, RN

Clinical Studies RN

Brandon Reeves, RN
Brandon Reeves, RN

Clinical Studies RN

Jessica Reeves, RN
Jessica Reeves, RN, BSN

Clinical Studies RN

Tanmay Sura, MBBS
Tanmay Sura, MBBS

Clinical Studies Coordinator

Amit Saha, PhD, MS
Amit Saha, PhD

Data Scientist, Biostatistician

Seth Eller
Seth Eller

Clinical Research Technician

Aidan Keleghan
Aidan Keleghan

Clinical Research Technician

PJ McPherson
PJ McPherson

Clinical Research Technician

Amelia Miranda
Amelia Miranda

Clinical Research Technician

Tiye Rahmah
Tiye Rahmah

Clinical Research Technician

Michael Schellenberg
Michael Schellenberg

Clinical Research Technician

Elizabeth White
Elizabeth White

Clinical Research Technician

Sandra Bailey
Sandra Bailey

Research Administrative Coordinator II

Tara Staley
Tara Staley

Research Administrative Coordinator I

Research Labs

Pain Mechanisms Lab

The Pain Mechanisms Lab cultivates an open scientific community that transforms pain treatment through innovative research.

Anesthesiology Research Studies and Highlights

Chronic Pain After Surgery
The Peters Lab is leading research that’s focused on preventing chronic pain after surgery (CPAS) by providing a standard of medical care perioperatively. Chronic pain after surgery (CPAS) is now recognized as a major public health concern which can affect between 10 and 50% of patients depending on the type of surgery. Currently, there is no standard of medical care provided perioperatively to prevent CPAS. This is due in part to an incomplete knowledge of the risk factors and biological mechanisms that are responsible for postoperative pain transitioning from an acute stage that resolves with wound healing to a more chronic pain state.

Neuropathic Pain and Deep Brain stimulation
Under grant NS074357 from the National Institute of Neurodegenerative Disorders and Stroke, the Martin Lab is studying the effects of deep brain stimulation in rats with neuropathic pain. Deep brain stimulation has recently received renewed interest as a treatment modality for a number of CNS disorders including chronic, intractable pain. We are interested in finding brain regions in which electrical stimulation reverses classical symptoms of nerve-injury associated pain in rats, such as mechanical hypersensitivity.

Chronic pain is a major public health issue
The Ririe Lab studies chronic pain, a major public health issue affecting 30% of the adult population in the U.S.A (1). The burden is immense with lost productivity, utilization of health care resources and a cost over 600 billion dollars per year (2). Nerve injury induces neural activity that establishes altered processing and long term behavioral effects. Despite this, incomplete understanding of ongoing chronic pain has resulted in inadequate treatment options.

Study and characterization of the mammalian somatosensory system
Dr. Boada’s overall goals are focused on the study and characterization of the mammalian somatosensory system physiological functions, in normal as well pathological conditions. Specifically, the molecular basis of the mechanical transduction on primary sensory neurons and the circuits, architecture, and sensory integration in secondary order sensory neurons in the spinal cord.

Normal resolution of pain after surgery
With grant grant GM109333 from the National Institute of General Medicine Sciences, the Romero-Sandoval Lab is studying the role of CD163 in the normal resolution of pain after surgery and its potential therapeutic effects to prevent or treat chronic postsurgical pain. Under this initial hypothesis, our studies have originated multiple projects encompassing a multidisciplinary approach.

Active Grants and Funding