The HPEI Educator Conference is intended for faculty, staff, students, residents, fellows, physicians, and providers who are interested in teaching and training in the health professions. The conference features best-practice updates, evidence-based teaching, opportunities for networking with educators, and thoughtful discussions about how we train current and future generations of medical and biomedical professionals. This year’s conference is packed full of great content and will focus on a theme of personal and professional character development – how are we building not just knowledgeable, skilled, competent but also resilient professionals that act with virtuous intent. The conference will include original research and breakout sessions for teachers and clinicians from all areas of medical and biomedical education across the spectrum.
Welcome and Awards (Hybrid)
12:00 – 12:20
Oral Presentations (Hybrid)
12:20 – 1:20
- Amelia L. Davidson, BS, MS3 Medical Student, Wake Forest School of Medicine. ‘WFSOM Surgical Subspecialty Certificate Program: A Pilot Study’ (Abstract #1; Slides)
- Catherine Malisse, B.S., M.D. Candidate, Class of 2025. Developing a Language of Leadership to Respond to the Interprofessional Leadership Needs of Healthcare Trainees’ (Abstract #2; Slides)
- Jaclyn Martindale, DO (she/her), Assistant Professor of Pediatric Neurology, Department of Neurology. ‘Lessons Learned from an Academic Half Day on Telehealth and TeleNeurology with Pediatric Resident Physicians’ (Abstract #3; Slides)
- Nathan J. Bates, He/Him/His, MMS, PA-C, Assistant Professor Dept. of PA Studies. ‘Use of Tabletop Simulation and Gamification to Enhance Understanding of System-Based Practice in Medical Education’ (Abstract #4; Slides)
1:30 – 2:25
Director, Robert D. and Patricia E. Kern Institute for the Transformation of Medical Education Stephen and Shelagh Roell Endowed Chair, Medical College of Wisconsin
Understanding Lapses in Professionalism Through a Professional Identity Formation Lens
- Define professionalism both situationally and developmentally
- Understand “typical” development of moral reasoning and medical professional identity formation.
- Develop an approach to managing different lapses in professionalism.
- Recognize when a trainee’s experience of discrimination is playing a role in underperformance.
Break (to allow travel to breakout room or office)
2:25 – 2:45
2:45 – 4:15
Putting ChatGPT Into Practice: Exploring Medical Education Use Cases
Presented by Verity Schaye, MD, MHPE
Learning Objectives:
- Practice using ChatGPT to devise solutions for common medical education challenges
- Engage with colleagues and network with like‐minded innovators
- List next steps of implementing AI into educational practice
Location: Auditorium 151
Incorporating Self-Directed Learning in Active Teaching Sessions Using Readily Available, Evidence-Based & Student-Endorsed Resources
Presented by Michele Birch, MD; Tafline Arbor, PhD; Lauren Fowler, PhD; Peter Fuerst PhD; and Brooks McPhail, PhD
Learning Objectives:
- Explain importance of developing self-directed learning (SDL) skills in our learners
- Develop methods to incorporate in your existing, or new, active learning sessions
- Actuate toolkit of resources that are evidence-based and student endorsed for their self-directed learning
- Outline and explain active learning sessions which can be used regardless of campus, curriculum, or type of learner.
Location: Room 155
Planting the Seeds: Equipping Medical Educators to Promote Racial Health Equity
Presented by Amber K. Brooks, MD and Nancy Denizard-Thompson, MD
Learning Objectives:
- Equip medical educators with the tools and resources they need to re-engineer their curriculum to become a propagator for (racial) health equity
- Provide practical, concrete steps for enhancing your curriculum through an anti-racism and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) lens.
Location: Room 153
Join via ZOOM
Aligning the Wake Forest University School of Medicine PPD EPO (#8) with all aspects of the MD curriculum
Presented by Cheraton Love, PhD, Elizabeth Whiting, PhD, Marcia Wofford, MD
Learning Objectives:
- Utilize a character development lens to review strategies for supporting character development.
- Identify ways of applying Wake Forest University School of Medicine EPO #8 (Personal and Professional Development ) in microlevel and macrolevel environments.
Location: Room 150
4:15 – 4:25
Posters will be presented in person in the sessions below.
4:25 – 5:00
Curriculum Innovation
- Pinyu Chen, BA, Medical Student. ‘Serving Digestible Nutrition Education to Medical Students’
- Kaushal Shah, MD, MPH , House Officer III/Psychiatry Resident. ‘Bite-Sized Teaching (BST) via "PRITE BITE" Program to Enhance and Integrate Learning into Evidence-Based Clinical Practice: Our Time is Now to Approach Learning Beyond Requirement’
- Abigail Heilenman, BS, Wake Forest University School of Medicine Student. ‘Building a Patient Navigation Program to Improve the Student and Patient Experience at a Student-Run Free Clinic’
- Sarah F. Vess, Ph.D., M.Ed., MBA , Psychologist; Clinical Faculty School of Medicine; Psychology Services Division Head, Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics. ‘Sustaining a Social-Emotional Learning Curriculum through Developing a Leadership Training Program Utilizing Coaching and Feedback Skills for Pre-K Teachers’
Medical Education Research
- Hannah Y. Gantz, BS, Medical Student. ‘Impact of Health Insurance Education Program on Health Professional Students’
- Sydney Means, BS, Medical Student. ‘Gamification in Medical Education: Medical Students' Perspectives on Gamifying Electrocardiography and Cardiac Pharmacology in Year 2 Cardiology Block’
- Ashleigh Medda, DPM, Assistant Professor. ‘Comfortability with Working with a Vulnerable Population’
- Kaushal Shah, MD, MPH, House Officer III/Psychiatry Resident. ‘Assessing the Impact of Research Interest Group (RIG) to Increase Scholarship in Psychiatry Residency: A Quality Improvement Project’
- Ali Satchmei, BS, Medical Student. ‘Benefits of Joint Peer- and Faculty-Led Intervention in Preparation for the Fourth Year of Medical School’
- Bita Nickkholgh, MD, PhD, Adjunct faculty, Staff Scientist. ‘Enhancing Scientific Literacy: Leveraging Review Papers as Dynamic Educational Tools in "Pharmacology Courses"’
- David R. Soto-Pantoja, PhD, Associate Professor . ‘Excellence in Cardiovascular Sciences Program (EICS) Promotes Interest in Research and Biomedical Careers’
Works in Progress
- Ethan Stonerook, MS, MMS, Assistant Professor, PA Studies. ‘The Good Surgeon: design, implementation, and evaluation of a communal, mentored program to promote flourishing and character development in surgical trainees’
- Alexandra Monetti, BS, MS3; Natalie DeRoche, BS, MS2. ‘DEAC Outreach: An Educational Opportunity for Graduate Health Students’
- Sydney Karre, BS, MD candidate WFSOM Class of 2026; Project Designer/Manager. ‘Breakfast with Ronald McDonald: An IDEA Grant Project’
- Camelia Singletary, MPH, Project Manager II. ‘Use of Area Deprivation Index for Equitable Recruitment to the National Institutes of Health Short-Term Research Experience Program to Unlock Potential (STEP-UP)’
- Lindsay Strowd, MD, Associate Professor and Interim Chair Dermatology. ‘Simulation of POCUS to diagnose calciphylaxis using novel training models’
- Dawn Caviness, MD, BSN, Clinical Assistant Professor of Family Medicine. ‘Rural Community Medicine Rotation for Family Medicine Resident Physicians’
- David Gass, MD, MS, Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics. ‘Utilizing the Complete Blood Count (CBC) to Create a Path to Understanding of Hematology: Pediatric Resident Education in Hematology’
- Maria Krakovski, BS, Medical Student (Class of 2025). ‘Cooking Up Leaders: Service Learning and Developing Social Responsibility in Medical Students’
- Rikera Curry, MD, Resident Physician. ‘The 360 Method- An Innovative Teaching Method Emphasizing Specific and Targeted Feedback’
- Jonathan Dvorak, MD, Resident Physician. ‘Enhancing Emergency Department Care for Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome: Implementing Guideline-Based Strategies to Improve Patient Outcomes’
- Ulysis Baal, BS, Medical Student, Yaffa Ali, BS, Medical Student. ‘Learning From a Hospital Food Recovery Program’
- Catherine Baxter, DNP, CPNP-AC, Assistant Professor. ‘Cognitive Load, Scaffolding, and Pharmacology Case Studies’
- Sarah White, MD, Assistant Professor, Maternal-Fetal Medicine. ‘Physician, Heal Thyself: The effects of life and career coaching on burn out, self-compassion, and resiliency in medical residents’
- Catherine Malisse, BS, Wake Forest University School of Medicine Medical Student (MS3). ‘Developing a Medical Professionalism Curriculum based on a Novel Framework of Trust for WFUSM Medical Students’
- Artina Dawkins, PhD, MPA, Co-Director, Diversity and Program Manager, Social Impact. ‘Expanding the Definition of a PA Healthcare Educator to include Preceptor and Guest Lecturer’