Resident Life

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Pink power for this rounding team!
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Celebrating the end of a block!
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Packing bags to support our local food insecurity initiatives!
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Happy National Women’s Physician Day!
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Residents enjoying our many local hiking trails.
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Celebrating a new addition to our residency program family!
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Gathering at a local winery.
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Inpatient rotations are always better with snacks!
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Happy Valentine’s Day from the Downtown Health Plaza!
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Our residents presenting their quality improvement work on safe infant sleep in our children’s hospital.
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Distributing gun locks and educating the public about gun safety at a community health fair.
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Our residents enjoy the rooftop playground almost as much as our patients do!
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One of our residents giving a chalk talk about respiratory distress for the rest of his inpatient team.
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Celebrating our newly-matched fellows!
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Practicing ultrasound-guided IV insertion during morning report.
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Talented artists and pediatricians!
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Our inpatient team performing a tracheostomy change.
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Resident night out for the department holiday party!