The biomedical graduate programs are one of the engines of creativity for Wake Forest University. Our hallmark is world-class scholarship fueled by an interdisciplinary, collaborative environment. Wake Forest University’s biomedical graduate programs are administered through our office on the School of Medicine campus centrally to ensure consistent support across all programs. Our small size (~400 students across the collective biomedical graduate programs) ensures that you will have individual attention, tailored advising and research opportunities well-matched to your interests. 

As a student here, you won’t just be a face in a crowd but part of a world-class team of researchers and educators working on important, world changing problems in their respective fields of knowledge. We’re dedicated to preparing the next generation of independent, intellectual leaders in their fields – whether your desired outcome is a career in academics, industry, or in some other unique career. 

In the various pages on our website, you’ll find that our biomedical graduate programs span a broad range of disciplines. The School of Medicine-based office also administers programs jointly with the following schools: 

School of Medicine 


The College 

We welcome you – our current and prospective students, faculty and friends – to our website. Please take advantage of this website to explore our graduate programs more fully, and let us know if you have questions that we can help to answer.