The NCI funded program in Cancer Prevention and Control Training program (CAPACiTy) at the Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist Comprehensive Cancer Center prepares postdoctoral fellows to become independent research investigators in the field of cancer prevention and control. Our Program focuses on building competencies and skills in implementation science, clinical informatics, health system science, team science, and cancer care delivery research. Our mentors have expertise and funding in the following areas:
This training grant is funded by the National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number T32CA122061.
The overall goal of the Training Program, now in its 17th year, is to provide an integrated career development pathway centered on training fellows in the skills and competencies needed to conduct research in cancer prevention and control.

Core Competencies
Training Opportunities
The CAPACiTy program provides opportunities to work closely with senior faculty as part of multidisciplinary research teams to:
The IDP structure is consistent across all trainees, but content is highly individualized based on the career goals and training needs of the fellow. It is co- developed within the first 3 months of training and is used to ensure that mandatory competencies are achieved and to keep program faculty, trainees, and leaders aligned on expectations. The IDP is an iterative document, which is updated as needed and reviewed bi-annually by faculty, trainees, and leaders. We have used an IDP consistently since the inception of our training program. Because the training needs of individuals from these different scientific backgrounds differ, our training program is designed to ensure that the training goals and NIH expectations are met, and flexible enough to maximize the potential of each individual trainee.
All trainees gain exposure to the practical aspects of conducting and managing human subjects’ research through participation in ongoing research in their area of interest. In most cases, the faculty mentor provides the trainee with access to or the means to collect research data and/or biologic specimens for the trainee’s research project. This may involve becoming part of a research team or developing an ancillary study to an existing study. A major strength of our Program is the extensive access to multiple clinical and population datasets available for use by the trainees.
Including publications and presentations are essential for early-stage investigators and are emphasized throughout the program. All trainees are expected to publish at least two first-author research publications and one co-author publication per year and to present their findings at national meetings. During the first year of their postdoctoral program, trainees are strongly encouraged to publish their dissertation. They are also connected with various faculty who have existing data that will lead to first authored publications.
Achieved through courses offered in the Translational and Health System Science program and through other seminars, workshops, and short-courses organized by the CTSI, Centers, and Office of Postdoctoral Affairs. These didactic training opportunities are tailored to the trainee and included in their IDP. All trainees are required to complete coursework in the Responsible Conduct of Research and Rigor and Reproducibility.
In conjunction with their mentoring teams, all trainees take for credit or audit additional coursework deemed necessary for their career success.
WFU offers a wide variety of graduate courses relevant to postdoctoral trainees. Participation in these courses depends on the trainees’ plan of study and career trajectory. Program faculty, mentors, and trainees jointly determine which (if any) elective courses would benefit the trainee. Examples of some of the courses are provided in the table to the left.