The Wake Forest University School of Medicine Department of Dermatology International Fellowship Program, directed by Rita Pichardo, MD, offers comprehensive clinical and surgical experiences. Working directly with internationally recognized dermatologists, fellows gain clinical skills and comprehensive clinical experience that includes treating a diverse patient population that will serve them and their patients when they return to their home countries. Fellows can participate in research projects under the mentorship of our faculty.

The Department of Dermatology International Fellowship program is committed to providing ample opportunities for fellows to fulfill the basic requirements of the program. Every candidate who successfully completes the program will receive a Certificate of Completion signed by the Chairman of the department as well as the program director.

The mission is to provide a general and complex medical dermatology and dermatology surgery fellowship educational program for international (non-U.S.) dermatology graduates who live outside the USA and who want to expand their clinical and surgical experience in the field of dermatology.

Our next available position is to start in June 2025. We are not offering positions for the month of December and July. The International Fellowship review committee will evaluate all the applications on a rolling basis and will select one fellow per period of time.

Why Train at Wake Forest?

The Department of Dermatology at Wake Forest School of Medicine is one of the most academically active dermatology programs in the U.S., both in cutting-edge research and clinical work. One of the 20 leading dermatology programs in the country, it’s located in one of the largest tertiary care centers on the eastern seaboard.

Residents consistently rate the program in the top 10 in the U.S., in part due to the quality of teaching.