Holland Tapp

Holland Tapp

Where and what did you study in undergrad?
I studied at Auburn University, Biomedical Science with a minor in psychology.

What drew you to the genetic counseling field?
I know everyone says this, but I was really drawn to where the hard science of genetics met the humanity of patients. I have always wanted to do something in healthcare, and when I found out about genetic counseling, I loved the prospect of advocating for patients, helping them process potentially life-changing news, and helping to prepare them for impending healthcare decisions.

Why did you choose Wake?
My Wake interview really stood out to me because it is where I was my most authentic self. The faculty was very warm and candid, and I could tell their relationship with students and students' relationship with each other was genuine and mutually beneficial. 

What are your future hopes and aspirations as a genetic counselor?
I look forward to connecting with my patients! I hope to collaborate with other healthcare professionals to bring patients knowledge and reassurance and empowering them with tools to impact their health journey long after meeting.

What is your favorite late-night snack?
Any sweet treat!

If you could offer a word of advice to prospective students, what would it be?
Stay organized and be prepared for applications! It's never too early to start on your applications. They have a lot of different elements and requirements that vary by school, so I found it really helpful too to have time to be thoughtful and reflective for each one. 2. Try not to compare yourself or your application! We are all a product of our experiences that make each of us unique. Don't get hung up on being perfect or doing what everyone else is doing— anything that has impacted you or your perspective of healthcare/advocacy/helping people is valuable if you can tie transferable skills to GC.

Ask a Student

Class of 2025

If you're thinking about applying for the genetic counseling MS program at Wake Forest some of our current students are happy to connect and help answer your questions.

Abbie Chalfant - achalfan@wakehealth.edu

Things to ask me about: Being a first-time applicant; moving from out-of-state (Florida); living outside of downtown; having a dog in school; advocacy experiences; CV/resume; taking a gap year; transitioning from pre-med to genetic counseling; anything Wake/Winston-Salem.

Ali Bahr - abahr@wakehealth.edu

Things to ask me about: Taking the non-traditional student track; multiple (4) gap years; research, GCA job, and volunteering; moving from out of state; dealing with comparison when applying; finding a new church home; being a Graduate Assistant at Wake; moving with your spouse/married in GC school; living downtown in Winston-Salem; anything about the city, field, applications, matching, and Wake Forest's Program.

Erin McChesney - emcchesn@wakehealth.edu

Things to ask me about: Personal statement and CV development.

Holland Tapp - hatapp@wakehealth.edu

Things to ask me about: First-time applicant to GC; applying/interviewing to GC during undergrad; advocacy experience/patient facing experience; cold-emailing GCs for information interviews and shadowing; moving out of state; self-doubt/mental health; having fun in grad school; making connections; Winston-Salem foodie!

Megan Johnson - medjohns@wakehealth.edu

Things to ask me about: Taking a gap year; moving across the country (MN -> NC); being a reapplicant; being a Graduate Assistant at Wake; being a first-generation college student; student loans; mental health; anything about the field, applications, matching, and Wake Forest's Program!

Sara Hayes - sghayes@wakehealth.edu

Things to ask me about: Taking multiple gap years (3); being a reapplicant (2x); working as a GCA prior to graduate school; working in a laboratory role; working in a role with direct patient care; long-distance relationships during graduate school; the match process; obtaining genetic counseling exposure; resources for genetic counseling applicants; applying to graduate school while working full-time; having pets during graduate school; living in Winston-Salem/North Carolina; questions about the Wake Forest GC program!

Savannah Moore - sanmoore@wakehealth.edu

Things to ask me about: Multiple application cycles (3x); gap years (2x); NC in general; being the program Graduate Assistant; previous GCA experience; outside graduate level courses; CV/PS; application, interviews, and matching; research; places to eat around Winston.

Vera Zanker - vzanker@wakehealth.edu

Things to ask me about: Finding Jewish community; taking a few years to work before applying; out of state applicant; if you need a pep-talk during applications/interviews; postbac coursework; general questions about the program. 

Class of 2024

If you're thinking about applying for the genetic counseling MS program at Wake Forest some of our current students are happy to connect and help answer your questions.

Allyson Morgan - allmorga@wakehealth.edu

Things to ask me about: Taking a gap year; North Carolina as a whole; things to do in Winston-Salem; living in downtown Winston; reapplying; being a Graduate Assistant at Wake; being in a new program; moving back to where you grew up; making connections; early undergrad graduation; gaining patient-facing experience; mental health!

Angel Serafini - aserafin@wakehealth.edu

Things to ask me about: Taking the non-traditional student track; many gap years; post-bacc coursework; moving from out of state; overcoming fear; being in recovery; finding a new church home; student loans; being a Graduate Assistant at Wake; anything about the field, applications, matching, and Wake Forest’s Program.

Courtney Davis - cordavis@wakehealth.edu

Things to ask me about: Taking a couple (2) gap years; moving with a significant other; North Carolina as a whole; things to do in Winston-Salem and the surrounding areas; reapplying; low undergraduate GPA; living in downtown Winston; being in a new program; research; being a Graduate Assistant at Wake; first-generation college student; anything related to applications or Wake’s program specifically.

Erika Ward - eeward@wakehealth.edu

Things to ask me about: Taking multiple gap years; being a reapplicant; coming from out of state (Michigander here!); moving with a significant other; navigating Winston-Salem as a NC newbie; anything about Wake’s program.

Jamie Chamberlin - jcchambe@wakehealth.edu

Things to ask me about:Taking a gap year; transitioning from pre-med to genetic counseling; first time applicant to GC programs; fast-tracking the application process; North Carolina as a whole; living in downtown Winston-Salem; research; volunteering; being in a new program; summer activities; cold emailing GCs for informational interviews; long-distance relationships; how much I love Wake Forest’s program!

Linnea Lundh - llundh@wakehealth.edu

Things to ask me about: Taking four gap years between undergrad and grad school; living in Downtown Winston-Salem (the dog-friendly version); being an out-of-state student (from the Maryland/DC/Northern VA area); having a full-time job while applying; having a heavy research background → genetic counseling; being in a new program.

Madison Badje - mbadje@wakehealth.edu

Things to ask me about: Taking a gap year; being a reapplicant to programs; big out of state move (I am from Nebraska); advocacy experience; being a part of a new program; learning your way around Winston-Salem.

Olivia Lopez - oclopez@wakehealth.edu

Things to ask me about: Taking multiple gap years; being a third-time applicant; being an out of state student; moving 12+ hours to a new city; anxiety during interviews/application process; imposter syndrome/mental health; living in downtown Winston; anything about Wake’s program!