An older man in a green collared shirt lies down on while having monitoring devices attached to his head.

Cereset® Research acts like a reset button for the brain. The technology allows old neural pathways, and responses to trauma or threat that got stuck, to find a new, more efficient, recipient unique setpoint. 

The CR system is based on the same closed-loop brainwave echoing approach using auditory tones, as was used in the legacy HIRREM technology. CR uses updated hardware and software which provide faster brainwave echoing, smart protocols to actively manage the intervention delivery, and shorter session times. As a low-risk wellness device, for relaxation, Cereset is exempt from FDA regulation.  

The CR intervention typically involves coming in for 4, in-office sessions over two weeks. Each session is less than an hour.  Participants can relax or fall asleep in a zero-gravity chair while listening to the tones.  This is an inside-out process as the brain self-adjusts. The number and length of sessions varies between specific research studies, but the goal is to complete sessions within a few weeks.  A course of Cereset Research sessions is a process, not an event.  

What Makes Cereset Research Unique?

Cereset offers a unique approach to brain wellness. Here's what sets it apart:

Feature Description
Fast Updated technology and faster hardware allows for shorter intervention period. Time commitment for recent studies is < 4 hours of total listening time.
Closed-Loop There is no need for conscious, cognitive input or engagement by the individual.
Inside-Out Can relax with your eyes closed or fall asleep while the brain does the work and releases old patters. No need to talk about or re-live previous trauma.
Real-Time Real-time auditory feedback echoes tones based on the brain’s current activity.
Durable Observed benefit for symptom reduction to 7 months and autonomic function to 4 months after completing intervention.
Synergistic After sessions, other modalities to help with stress, resilience, or mental health tend to be more effective (ex: talk therapy, meditation, yoga, golf), since the brain is more receptive.
Brain Reset Allows the brain to “reset” on its own by improving balance, relaxing amplitudes, and reducing hyperarousal of brain frequencies.
Does not try to move or force the brain towards pre-defined, “normal” patterns or set points based on population-based normative values.

Source: Atrium Health and Wake Forest University School of Medicine

Over 900 participants have been enrolled in multiple clinical studies within the Brain Body Research Program at Wake Forest University School of Medicine. The use of the legacy technology, HIRREM and Cereset Research has been associated with clinically meaningful, statistically significant reductions in symptoms including insomnia, depressive mood, stress, and anxiety, as well as improved autonomic function manifested by improved objective measures of autonomic function (heart rate variability and baroreflex sensitivity).

Additional clinical trials are underway, and publication of results is ongoing.