What is Cereset® Research?

A collection of words related to Cereset Research in the shape of a brain.

Cereset is short for “cerebral reset.”  Cereset® Research or CR for short, is an advanced, non-invasive neurotechnology that supports the brain to release and recover from the negative effects of stress; the responses to threat or trauma, whether physical or non-physical (Cereset, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ).  Cereset sessions create an opportunity for your brain to balance and quiet its own electrical pattern.  Sensors that continuously observe your brain activity, allow the computer to assign an auditory tone to dominant brain frequencies, in near real time.  The tones are echoed back through ear buds, and reflect the brainwave activity at that moment in time.  Each session will be entirely unique to your brain.  By allowing your brain to look at itself in an acoustic mirror, it is supported to harmonize, quiet, and balance itself during sessions.


The brain is the organ of central command.  When faced with threat or trauma, whether physical or non-physical, real or imagined, the brain activates and manages how the body responds to protect itself.  The autonomic nervous system (ANS) facilitates the body’s natural survival responses to threat or trauma (stress responses).  The two main ANS components involved in the stress response are the sympathetic (fight or flight), and parasympathetic (freeze, numb, or withdraw).  Typically, people go through life relatively balanced in mildly parasympathetic, rest and digest state.  When faced with an acute stress, the sympathetic (fight of flight) system is activated.  When there is a perception that the threat is overwhelming, or response futile, the parasympathetic (freeze or withdraw) system is activated. 

BrainEcho™ neuromodulation technology empowers the brain through reflection and resonance of brainwave rhythms.

Detect Brain Frequencies 392x392
Detect Brain Frequencies
Four proprietary high-resolution brain frequency sensors record precise real-time brain rhythms.
Translate Brain Rhythms 392x392
Translate Brain Rhythms
Patented, proprietary algorithms correlate your brain rhythms to specific engineered tones to create your unique BrainEcho™.
Listen to the Brain 392x392
Listen To The Brain
You listen to your new brain-echo experienced in real-time as a reflection of your brain rhythms.
Brain Recognizes Its Reflection
Brain Recognizes Its Reflection
Your brain hears itself and "sees" it as its own reflection, enabling the brain to fully relax and reset itself, returning to its natural balance, free from stress.

cereset research logo

In today’s world, threats or trauma can be physical or non-physical, and often involve an emotional component. Due to neuroplasticity, the brain can adapt and change over time. Repetitive or cumulative trauma, or a very severe event, might result in a chronic, ongoing activation of an autonomic response. When the autonomic nervous system stays activated and becomes stuck, and imbalanced, physiological changes can lead to symptoms like insomnia or anxiety. If stress responses become chronic, other negative health outcomes and diseases like hypertension can occur.