Wake Forest Affiliated Learners
CEAL offers a list of courses by which you can register. Some CEAL led courses are free and some have an associated CME cost. Please find details below.
- Ultrasound Guided IV (free)
- ACOG ECO (free) *Please contact ceal.ob@wakehealth.edu to register.
- MOCA (with cost)
- Ultrasound CME Portfolio (with cost): (Neurovascular US, Neurovascular Interpretation, Acute Care US, Ob/Gyn US, Neuromuscular US.
- Annual Ultrasound Mini Fellowship (free) - Please contact cbeaston@wakehealth.edu for more information.
- To request CEAL space, equipment, staff, or resources for departmental use, please use our “request for use” form. Please e-mail ceal@Wakehealth.edu for questions or scheduling assistance.
- Deacon Space's User Guide
- Inventory Lists: Simulation Inventory | Ultrasound Inventory
Non-Wake Forest Affiliated Learners
CEAL offers a list of courses by which you can register/gain access. Please find details below.
- Ultrasound CME Portfolio (with cost): Neurovascular US, Neurovascular Interpretation, Acute Care US, Ob/Gyn US, Neuromuscular US.
- ACOG ECO (with cost) - **$200. *Please contact ceal.ob@wakehealth.edu to register.
- MOCA (with cost)
- Ultrasound Guided IV (with cost) - More Information Coming Soon
- Specialized Programs (e-mail ceal@wakehealth.edu)