Over the course of their training, medical students face several key inflection points.  These transitions often create physical and psychological strain that can hamper performance and increase the risk of burnout.  The ART in Medicine curriculum seeks to measure baseline resilience and coping strategies, provide curriculum to address key pillars of psychological and physical resilience, and track metrics over time to hone the program.  ART in Medicine places an emphasis on a triad of attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that can be integrated into daily life so that the instruction becomes part of a student’s routine.

Why Choose The ART in Medicine Program

Potential benefits include decreased burnout risk, increased situational control, and enhanced performance.  There may also be marketing benefit in terms of providing a potential enhancement to a residency application.


  • Increase awareness of resilience as an essential skill for success in medical education.
  • Develop a sustainable training program that will not only assess current levels of resilience in the medical student body but also provide training-level-appropriate instruction.
  • Assist participants in developing a sustainable skillset to address potentially adverse events during medical school and residency.