CIIRRC’s mission is to unite distinguished, nationally funded investigators into a unique and cohesive venture that focuses on the care of the critically injured and critically ill. By doing so, we not only better leverage our available resources but also extend value to other academic medical centers.
To accomplish its mission, the CIIRRC will integrate established research programs into multidepartmental and transdisciplinary team science. A vital part of that is attracting and training new investigators, connecting with local and national communities and leveraging resources across multiple departments, institutes and centers. Interest in CIIRRC’s mission is a key criterion, and members are eligible to apply for pilot grant opportunities within the center.
We perceive an opportunity to integrate and expand our research base, form teams, educate new investigators in critical care, generate new grants and ultimately improve health and health policy by forming an integrated and multidisciplinary center.
Our leadership and discovery capabilities are convincing, individually recognized and already beginning to merge. These research and leadership attributes connect with and qualitatively enhance our Level One Trauma Center, highly active and visible department of emergency medicine and our Critical Care Service Line.
- An innovative feature of our and others’ research—integration of bioenergetics and with the acute and restoration phase of the systemic inflammatory process—is informing novel therapies of sepsis that will impact sustained muscle atrophy and cognition compromise
- Our center maintains a major local and nationally connected clinical trials network
- Our basic research on bioenergetics and inflammation will complement investigations of cell-based therapy.