About Me

My research focuses on the ability of the brain to integrate information across its multiple sensory systems: how this capability develops, how it changes with age, how this capability affects perception, decision-making, and behavior, and how it can be used to restore function in individuals with neurological disorders (e.g. ameliorate human hemianopia). My significant contributions to the field are in understanding how multiple sensory maps in the brain are developed and aligned by experience and how inputs from multiple sensory modalities are transformed into new neural products by multisensory neurons, primarily using midbrain localization circuits as a model. This work has been summarized in several compendiums, including "The Merging of the Senses" (Stein and Meredith, 1993), "The Handbook of Multisensory Processes" (Calvert, Spence and Stein, 2004), and “The New Handbook of Multisensory Processes” (Stein, 2012). My laboratory is highly active in this field, using a variety of techniques with a variety of species. The work has appealed to many students and, in the past, we have formed effective teams with which to pursue these objectives. 

Research Laboratory

Stein Lab - Understanding the anatomical, physiological, behavioral, and computational bases for the development and expression of multisensory integration and using this to ameliorate neurological dysfunction.

Educational Program Involvement

Graduate Programs in Neuroscience
Program Research Interest:
Addiction and Substance Abuse, Behavioral and Systems Neurobiology, Development and Plasticity, Molecular Neurobiology, Neurological Disease and Aging, Neuropharmacology, Sensory Neurobiology