About Me

I was born and raised outside of Atlanta and received my Bachelor of Science degree in biology from the University of Georgia. Before medical school, I worked in an emergency department as a medical scribe and an emergency medical technician (EMT), where I fell in love with taking care of the sick and injured. I attended Mercer University School of Medicine in Savannah, where I met my wife, Vivian, who is also a resident here at Wake Forest University School of Medicine School of Medicine School of Medicine School of Medicine School of Medicine School of Medicine. My mom is a life-long nurse, and my dad is a master of computers. In my precious free time, my hobbies include catching up with childhood friends, tubing the Dan River, watching M*A*S*H and spending time with my wife. The best part about being at Wake Forest is the teaching environment created by the upper levels and attendings that promotes learning without the stereotypical demoralization associated with so many other surgery programs.