The qualitative analysis of medical (e.g. histopathological or radiological) images is time-consuming and subject to inter- and intra-reader variations. This often negatively affects the prediction of the clinical outcome.

At CIA Lab, we are developing image analysis systems for computer-assisted analysis and interpretation of medical images to help medical professionals (e.g. pathologists, radiologists). Our goal is to develop computational tools to extract quantitative features useful for more objective and accurate detection, diagnosis, and prognosis. Frequently, we need high performance computational infrastructures to efficiently process large medical images and associate them with other sources of data.

The systems developed in the CIA Lab over the years have provided promising results both in terms of accuracy and computational efficiency, and our lab has been at the forefront of medical image analysis research.

Now, our lab is proud to be part of the Center for Biomedical Informatics at Wake Forest University School of Medicine under the leadership of Dr. Metin N. Gurcan.