Advances in medicine and public health have significantly increased our average lifespan and improved survival rates for chronic diseases, leading to a growing population of older adults both in the US and worldwide. However, with longer life comes the challenge of maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle despite the effects of aging and disease. We address this challenge through innovative research with a goal to discover a drug and therapeutic target that can delay mobility issues in older adults and patients with chronic diseases.

In the Ahn lab, we investigate novel drugs and interventions with a strong focus on translating these discoveries to human health. One part of the laboratory performs preclinical research on unacylated ghrelin, a promising compound that may counteract age-related muscle loss and weakness, known as sarcopenia. In parallel, we investigate mitochondria as a potential therapeutic target, utilizing clinical and omics data sets to uncover new insights and develop targeted interventions. Our approach aims to extend not just the lifespan but the healthspan of older adults, ensuring they can lead active lives well into their later years.

Research Project Highlights


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