Campbell Veasey, MSPH, a third-year medical student at Wake Forest University School of Medicine, was awarded the Robert Perz Memorial Scholarship Fund at the Class of 2024’s white coat ceremony. This ceremony had been postponed due to the pandemic.
Perz, a school of medicine graduate, Class of 1984, passed away in a cycling accident in May 1988, a few days short of completing his pediatric anesthesia fellowship.
The scholarship, established by the Class of 1984, is awarded annually to a rising third-year medical student whose personal values and qualities reflect those of Perz. The recipient is selected by classmates and is approved by the Student Scholarship and Financial Aid Committee. Students are encouraged to select a fellow classmate who excels not only in their pursuit of the path of medicine, but who also maintains a varied interest outside of medicine. Even as a student, Perz made time to be a triathlete, pilot, cyclist, wood craftsman and friend. The scholarship is not based on financial need.
“I’m extremely humbled to receive the Robert Perz Memorial Scholarship,” said Veasey. “I’ve been blown away with gratitude to be chosen by my classmates to honor the incredible memory of Dr. Perz. I’ve truly never felt so supported by a school or community before. My plan is to work toward improving our nation’s primary health care system by using public health programming to deliver more equitable care to underserved and vulnerable populations. In addition to my academic side, I do hope to continue a work-life balance with all my camping and adventures in North Carolina!”
The first recipient of the Robert Perz Memorial Scholarship Fund was in 1991.
“Campbell is kind, humble, gracious and engaging to everyone – regardless of their role within the school” said Yenya Hu, MD, PhD, Assistant Dean of Academic Excellence and Assistant Professor of General Internal Medicine. “He is a model physician-in-training.”