Emily Claire Stefano, PhD
- Assistant Professor, Bariatric and Weight Management Center

Emily Claire Stefano, PhD
- Assistant Professor, Bariatric and Weight Management Center
- Education
- PhD, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2019
- Positions
- Assistant Professor, Bariatric and Weight Management Center
- Departments and Affiliations
- Bariatric and Weight Management Center
- Thin, muscular, and fit-ideals: Prevalence and correlates in undergraduate women. Wagner AF, Bennett BL, Stefano EC, Latner JD. J Am Coll Health. 2021 Jan; :1-7.
- Enhancing employee wellness: Translating an effective community behavioral weight-loss treatment to the worksite. Murakami JM, Bennett BL, Rand-Giovannetti D, Stefano EC, Latner JD. Nutr Health. 2020 Sep; 26(3):215-223.
- Development of the Weight Management Skills Questionnaire in a Prebariatric Surgery Sample. Zickgraf HF, Stefano EC, Rigby A. Obes Surg. 2020 02; 30(2):603-611.
- The relationship between food insecurity and binge and night eating symptoms in prebariatric surgery patients is mediated by depressive symptoms. Zickgraf HF, Stefano E, Price J, Veldheer S, Rogers A, Rigby A. Surg Obes Relat Dis. 2019 Aug; 15(8):1374-1379.
- Examining the impact of social media on mood and body dissatisfaction using ecological momentary assessment. Bennett BL, Whisenhunt BL, Hudson DL, Wagner AF, Latner JD, Stefano EC, Beauchamp MT. J Am Coll Health. 2020 07; 68(5):502-508.