About Me

I joined Wake Forest in 2019 after spending five years as a biostatistician in the Quantitative Sciences Unit at Stanford University School of Medicine. My research concerns collaborative biostatistics, causal inference, and preventive medicine.

Regarding collaborative biostatistics, I lead the Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design (BERD) group in the Wake Forest Clinical and Translational Science Institute. To work with us, visit our website and fill out a service request form.

Regarding causal inference, I have previously done research on randomization inference with and without interference, instrumental variables, and matching, and am currently the recipient of a PCORI award to further study a method for data-driven discovery of subgroups with heterogeneous treatment effects in clinical trials and observational studies.

Regarding preventive medicine, I have a longstanding interest in lifestyle interventions to improve health outcomes, including diet and exercise. I was previously the lead statistician for DIETFITS, a randomized clinical trial of low-carb and low-fat diets on weight loss. I am currently a co-investigator for MoTrPAC, a multicenter trial studying the effects of endurance and resistance exercise on the molecular mechanisms that improve health and prevent disease.