About Me

My areas of interest include effects on healthcare outcomes through use of technology in ambulatory clinics to streamline workflow and engage healthcare teams. My work has included promoting improved care of elderly patients through innovative continuing education and quality improvement projects. I enjoy experimenting with the optimal design for health professional collaboration to promote improved adult continuing education outcomes.

I am passionate about influencing the health of North Carolina from an upstream vantage point. My research is focused on healthcare education, health service alignment and new collaborative models that support the health of the community. I am inspired by professionals and organizations who participate in genuine partnerships around healthcare improvement. My favorite projects begin with mapping & aligning resources, incentive systems & community supports. I love to design and provide settings which inspire others to think creatively and defy convention. The most satisfying projects are ones that take on a life of their own, grow commitment and increase valuable outcomes into the future. What inspires you? How can we partner to improve the health of our community?