About Me
I am an associate professor of medicine at Wake Forest School of Medicine, serving as the director of the Serious Illness and Palliative Medicine Research Program. I am a geriatrician, palliative medicine physician, and health science researcher. I have expertise in geriatric and palliative care, specializing in the outpatient primary care settings. My research focuses on improving outcomes for older adults with serious illnesses and those with cognitive impairments, frailty, and advanced cancer. My research interest focuses on the implementation of non-pharmacological geriatric and palliative care interventions to improve quality of life. I have experience with interdisciplinary health professionals in outpatient primary care to implement evidence-based practices. I have been a principal investigator of several research projects funded by the Duke Endowment and NIH, including an advance care planning (ACP) pragmatic randomized clinical trial, and have authored several key scientific publications related to this topic. I am supported by an NIH-NIA K23 Early Career Investigator Award, understanding how technology can enhance decision-making in persons living with cognitive impairment and an NIA IMPACT Collaboratory Pilot Award focused on the role of telehealth to promote engagement of ACP. I have a interest in implementation science, clinical informatics, and pragmatic clinical trial design.