A unique opportunity to update your obstetric anesthesia knowledge and skills! The OB CRNA Course consists of ten online modules with corresponding knowledge assessments. These modules were framed using the American College of OB/GYN (ACOG) guidelines and included topics such as: 

Maternal and fetal physiology Antenatal testing 
Intrapartum assessment
Labor physiology and progression
High-risk OB
OB crisis complication management 
OB massive transfusion considerations
OB pharmacology selection
Anesthesia for operative delivery
OB regional anesthesia procedures

Once the online training modules are completed, participants are able to attend on-site in-person training sessions. These sessions focus on:

  • OB Regional Anesthesia Procedures (spinal, epidural and combined spinal-epidural)
  • Simulated OB Crisis Management (maternal hemorrhage, maternal cardiac arrest, prolapsed cord, and amniotic fluid embolism).

Onsite + Online Modules Online Modules Only 
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