The Undergraduate Medical Education Curriculum Committee (UMECC) of Wake Forest University School of Medicine, by the authority of the Dean, is charged with the oversight of the medical education program leading to the MD degree as a whole.

Roles and Responsibilities

The UMECC has final authority on the overall design, management, integration, evaluation, and enhancement of a coherent and coordinated medical curriculum, in accordance with the mission and vision of the School of Medicine, and the accreditation requirements of the LCME. The UMECC shall present its decisions through its chair to the Vice Dean for Medical Education. Minutes of all UMECC meetings are available upon request to any faculty, staff, or student in the Wake Forest University School of Medicine UME community. A year-end report containing the decisions of the committee and subsequent actions, as well as necessary periodical reports, shall be forwarded to the Vice Dean for Medical Education for review and a soft copy maintained in the UMECC SharePoint Site located on the institution’s intranet site.


(Peer-selected and Ex-Officio; term length varies by representative type) The UMECC committee consists of both elected and ex officio members with voting rights.

  • Five (5) elected members from the core teaching faculty (course directors/ clerkship directors): course director from Year 1; (1) block director from Year 2; (1) clerkship director from Year 3; (1) AIM/ICU course director from Year 4; and (1) course director from the longitudinal curriculum. These elected faculty members serve a 1-year term but may be re-elected for an additional one-year term.
  • Six (6) at-large, elected faculty members: 3 pre-Clinical faculty members and 3 Clinical Science faculty members. They serve 2-year terms. They are eligible to be re-elected for 2 consecutive terms. Pre-Clinical and Clinical faculty representatives will be appointed by Faculty Affairs as terms end.
  • Eight (8) elected student representatives: Students are elected by their classmates at the beginning of their first year and serve as members of UMECC until graduation. The fully constituted UMECC therefore has two (2) student representatives from each class, with only 1 vote per class.

Subcommittees of the UMECC for 2023-24