Kids PowerUP: Pilot study of a home-based program to promote healthy diet and activity in rural-dwelling children

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The Kids PowerUP study is a pilot study is designed to address eating and activity habits among children living in rural areas. This study will develop and test a program that is provided to rural children through activity kits mailed to the home. The activity kits include educational materials, food samples, recipe cards, and activity props like jump ropes and stopwatches. The activity kits include educational materials, food samples, recipe cards, and activity props like jump ropes and stopwatches. This program will be compared to a science program to see if it impacts diet and activity behaviors.

Participants are children living in the area of Bennett, Colorado or rural communities in North Carolina. Research staff advertise the study through flyers in the communities, distributed via schools or health clinics, and social media promotion. English- or Spanish-speaking children aged 7-10 years in these areas are invited to participate.

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