As the Class of 2024 works to complete their final graduation requirements, our programs on the school of medicine campus have been diligently collaborating on ways to celebrate their accomplishments. 

The following information pertains to Hooding and Commencement activities for the degree programs at Wake Forest University School of Medicine.  

Doctor of Medicine (MD)

On Sunday, May 19, 2024, at 3 p.m., the candidates for the degree of Doctor of Medicine will participate in a Hooding Celebration at Wait Chapel on the Wake Forest Reynolda Campus. The ceremony included an address from key leadership, a guest speaker, administration of the professional oath, and reading of names to recognize the achievement of each student.

Master of Medical Science (PA)

On Friday, May 17, 2024, at 6 p.m., the candidates for the degree of Master of Medical Science will participate in a Hooding and Awards ceremony at Wake Forest Biotech Atrium. The ceremony included an address from key leadership, reading of graduates' names to recognize the achievement of each student, administration of the professional oath, and presentation of faculty and student awards, as well as students' diplomas.

Biomedical Graduate Programs (MS/PhD)

On Saturday, May 18, 2024, at 4 p.m., the candidates for the degrees of Master of Science, Master of Healthcare Leadership, and Doctor of Philosophy from the Biomedical Graduate Programs will participate in a ceremony at Wait Chapel on the Wake Forest Reynolda campus. The ceremony includes a reading of names to recognize the achievement of each student and degrees are conferred.

Additional information will be shared with students as it becomes available. Questions about each event can be directed to the following contacts:

MD Program
The Office of Student Affairs 
PA Program
Elise Gmuca 
Graduate School
Denise Wolfe