The Dr. Cristina Furdui laboratory applies chemical and systems biology approaches to investigate redox-regulated processes with significance to normal physiology and pathology. Redox reactions and associated reactive oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur species (ROS/RNS/RSS) are widely acknowledged today as integral regulatory components in signaling, metabolism and epigenetics. Although the controlled and localized production of these reactive species is critical to normal physiology and health, the alteration of redox state through acute or chronic accumulation of reactive oxidants leads to numerous pathologies in humans including cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and more.

Innovative research projects in Furdui’s lab fall under three major topics: 

  1. Targeting protein oxidation with selective chemical tools to advance research, diagnosis and treatment of diseases with underlying oxidative mechanisms of damage
  2. Molecular studies of redox regulated proteins (e.g., peroxiredoxins with antioxidant function, Akt2 with critical function in diabetes)
  3. Redox mechanisms in pathophysiology

The methods and general approach developed for these projects have found application to other diseases characterized by redox imbalance. Dr. Furdui’s group actively participates in numerous team science projects, many of which have led to funded grants and patents. 

We invite you to explore her lab's research.