The Hematopathology Fellowship program at Wake Forest University School of Medicine provides comprehensive training experience in all aspects of hematopathology including:

  • Diagnostic testing
  • Multi-level teaching
  • An understanding of the principles of biomedical research
  • Tertiary care practice
  • Management of a large clinical hematology hospital laboratory
  • Competent consultation services for clinical colleagues

In addition, fellows will be encouraged to participate in the other teaching programs in the Department of Pathology and to initiate and pursue research projects during the course of the fellowship.

Collaborative projects will be encouraged both within the Pathology Department and through the Comprehensive Cancer Center in its numerous Cancer and Leukemia Group B (CALGB) and Pediatric Oncology Group (POG) hematopoietic cancer clinical trials.

Why Train at Wake Forest?

The Hematopathology Fellowship program is based solely within the Hematopathology Section of the Department of Pathology at the Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, one of the nation’s preeminent academic medical centers.

Hematopoietic specimens are obtained through inpatient and outpatient services as well as referral cases from non-affiliated area health centers. The principal training laboratories are all located on the medical center campus.

Program Goals

The fellow will become proficient in the clinical and laboratory evaluation of pathologic materials such as blood, bone marrow and lymph nodes. Fellows receive comprehensive, integrated diagnostic training in all aspects of hematopathology, including a wide spectrum of benign and neoplastic disorders in pediatric and adult patients.

Emphasis is placed on cost-effective, multiparameter diagnostic assessment, requiring both biological and clinical features. The microscopic pathology of hematopoietic diseases is combined with the interpretation and oversight of ancillary diagnostic methods.

Fundamental microscopic pathology of hematopoietic diseases, mirroring the primary importance of this aspect of Hematopathology in most practice situations, is combined with the interpretation and oversight of ancillary diagnostic methods. These ancillary methods, including both phenotypic studies (cytochemistry, immunohistochemistry, and flow cytometry), and genotypic analyses (in situ hybridization, PCR analyses, conventional cytogenetics techniques, as well as implementation of state of the art scientific techniques, such as fluorescence in situ hybridization, real-time PCR, and laser capture microdissection) are a major point of emphasis because of the vital role they play in the diagnostic interpretation of many hematopoietic/lymphoid specimens.

Fellows will also be exposed to procedures used in the coagulation laboratory, and to clinical training in diagnosis, management and treatment of coagulation disorders.